Saturday, January 27, 2007

One in a Million?

Almost. According to the Wikipedia entry for "blog," it's more like one in 60 million. But maybe mine will float to the top of that mass somehow. Given those odds, I'd be thrilled just to be in the top 100,000. Most blogs are probably nearly empty anyway. If my friends' attempts at blogging are any indication, at least half of those 60 million are never updated past the first one or two entries, and some of them are owned by the same person.

Really then, all I have to do is make 3 entries to ensure my place in the upper half of all blogs, world-wide. In fact, the easiest way for me to work my way up in the global blogosphere is simply to keep writing, right? Maybe slap some ads up here and shamelessly abuse those search tags, and, as the hit counter climbs, I'll enter that elite 100 grand club in no time.

But successful blogging is more than just a numbers game, so we all would hope. This first entry is pretty much written for an audience of none, with the hope that maybe, someday, when this is the most popular blog in the world for reasons unconceivable to me now, my myriad ravenous fans will eat up my archives as well as my most recent articles.

So, welcome! To what? I don't know. Come back and find out as it develops though, eh?

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